home degree dissertation hobbies

Curriculum Vitae



Deutsche Version    Deutsche Version


Personal Details:

Hans Nickel

Date of birth: 20.06.1962

Place of birth: Lorsch a. d. Bergstraße, Germany



Versatile skills in Information Technology with main focus on Network Administration, Linux, Security and Web Services.

  • Hardware skills: PC, Printers, Network components
  • Operating Systems: Linux (Debian, Adamantix, SuSE), Open BSD, Unix (Solaris), Windows, MS-DOS
  • Networks: Ethernet, TCP/IP, LAN (heterogeneous Windows/Linux), Samba, NFS
  • Security: Firewalls (Linux Packet Filtering), IDS (snort, aide), Proxy (Squid)
  • Programming skills: C++, Java, TCL, JavaScript, Lotus Notes Script, Visual Basic, Perl, PHP, Python
  • Databases: mySQL, MS Access, Lotus Notes, dBase
  • Services: DNS, DHCP, HTTP (Apache), POP3 (fetchmail, QPopper), SMTP (sendmail, Postfix), LDAP
  • Web: HTML, DHTML

Professional Experience:

since March 2004


IT Services

Virus elimination, Hardware and Software setup, Updates, Personal Firewalls, Internet Connections etc.


Makromedia Akademie für neue Medien, Frankfurt

Advanced training and qualification for Network Security Engineer (eight months):

Unix/Linux, Networks, Shellprogramming, Perl, PHP, mySQL, Central User Administration, Samba, PDC, Java, Installation and Configuration of Internetservers; Project: Implementation of an intranet, Base Installation, System Hardening, DMZ, Firewalls, IDS, Mail, DNS, Proxy, Webserver (apache)


Merck KGaA, Darmstadt

Lotus Notes Database Designer

Implemented Lotus Notes Databases and Workflow Applications for internal customers using the Lotus Notes Formula Language, Lotus Script and HTML.

  • several projects (Form Workflows, Team Databases)
  • Adjustment of Team Databases for Web Access
  • Realization of a Corporate Design Database
  • 2nd Level Support for Lotus Notes for international Merck staff


Merck KGaA, Darmstadt

Member of Merck Help Desk Team

Monitored and replied resquests of international Merck staff.

  • Provided technical support and troubleshooting for Lotus Notes, MS Office and other applications
  • Resolved general requests concerning Workstations, Servers and Networks


Notes Development GmbH, Darmstadt

Lotus Notes Administrator

Lotus Notes System Administration and Windows NT Administration.

  • Client/Server Installations, Administration, Hardware Setup
  • Lotus Notes Database Development


EAD (Eigenbetrieb Abfallwirtschaft und Stadtreinigung der Stadt Darmstadt)

Database Administrator

Updated the databases for dustbins and industrial waste containers.

  • Data capture for tourplanning of garbage trucks
  • Optimized processes at the interface between container administration and accounting resulting in severe annual cost savings
  • Evaluated Company Data and created diagrams and graphs




Capturing and evaluation of ecological data.

  • Collected data regarding the ecological quality of midsized rivers by their morphological structure, detected detraction of ecological functionality, Electronical Data Assessment
  • Used ArcView (GIS) for evaluating aerial views of complete residual Rhein-Main Area in regard to development plans
  • Technical Investigation of potential contaminiated sites
  • Surveying and mapping of waste deposites
  • Identification of local Carabid beetle populations



daveg Datentechnik, Darmstadt

Programmed in TCL and C++, platform was Linux. (eight weeks)


Obere Naturschutzbehörde des Regierungsbezirks Darmstadt

Internship in the department of Nature reserve (eight weeks).

  • Recorded the sizes and geographical sites of intented Nature Reserves
  • Configurated some PCs
  • Held trainings for staff in Windows, Winword and Excel



Study of Biology at the Technical University of Darmstadt

Grade: Diploma (Zoology, Botany, Ecology, Geology)

  • Degree Dissertation at the Institute for Biological Phytosanitary of the National Biological Department (Institut für biologischen Pflanzenschutz der Biologischen Bundesanstaltfür Land- und Forstwirtschaft) in Darmstadt

Further Education:


VHS, Darmstadt

Studied and qualified in external courses for HTML, C++, Java, Visual Basic as well as an advanced course for C++


Qualification as Responsible Person for Environmental Affairs

TÜV-Akademie Rheinland GmbH, Frankfurt



Held miscellaneous jobs in chemical and mechanical industry.
Self studies in photography.

School Education:


Grammar School at Bensheim, Grade: A-Levels


Secondary School at Lorsch


Elementary School at Lorsch

Additional Skills:

Good skills in English language

Moderate skills in French language


Available upon request


home degree dissertation hobbies